Striders Scholarship

Nashville Striders Offer College Scholarships as a Member Benefit

We have up to four $1000 scholarships available.  Current high school seniors and full-time (minimum 12 semester hours) undergraduates enrolled in a U.S. university, college, or technical school may apply.  Former winners may reapply.  The application period runs from January 15 through March 15, 2025.  The electronic scholarship application form is available on the Nashville Striders website starting in early January.  Electronic submission of the application via email to is preferred, but hard copies can be mailed to the Striders PO Box.  All applications and supporting documents must be received by the Striders by March 15, 2025. The application for applying on line will be activated and available for use on January 15, 2025 HERE.
1. The following are eligible:
  • Individual or Family members of Nashville Striders in good standing for at least one calendar year. 
  • Students of parents or legal guardians who are members in good standing for at least one calendar year.
2. Signed endorsement on this form by a parent or legal guardian, if under 18 years old.
3. Graduating High School seniors or undergraduates enrolled full-time (minimum 12 semester hours) in a U.S. university, college, or trade school.  Former winners who still qualify are eligible to reapply.
4. Evidence of involvement in or commitment to running/walking-related activities.
5. Letters of recommendation or reference from coach, trainer, or someone familiar with your running/walking activities involvement or commitment.
6. Application and all related documents must be received by the Nashville Striders Peter Pressman Scholarship Committee during the enrollment period from January 15th through March 15th for the following school year. All application materials must be received by the Nashville Striders by the March 15th deadline.
The Striders Board of Directors has established a Scholarship Committee composed of Kathy Bell, Peggy Stanfield, and Bill Cohen.  Non-Board of Directors members may be added to the committee.  They will receive, review and evaluate all applications and recommend qualified candidates to the Board of Directors for awarding of the scholarships.  We will issue scholarships of $1000 each for the upcoming school year to the winning applicants.  Criteria for differentiating applicants are listed below.
EVALUATION CRITERIA (no particular priority):
  • Satisfactory academic achievement to be judged by Nashville Striders Peter Pressman Scholarship Committee
  • Essay content
  • The extent of volunteer participation in Nashville Striders events
  • Coach’s and references’ recommendations
  • Participation in running/walking-related activities
  • Participation in other extracurricular activities
  • Progress toward a degree or certificate, as applicable
  • Interviews may be requested at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee     
OTHER INFORMATION:  Scholarship winners will be announced early May.  Approved awards will be for the next university, college, or technical school year.  If approved, a scholarship check will be issued in the applicant’s name to the Bursar’s Office of the university, college, or technical institution the applicant is accepted to attend.  Family members of Nashville Striders Board members shall be eligible for scholarships, but those Board members will recuse themselves from voting upon the scholarships.
If you have questions and/or are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Kathy Bell, Peggy Stanfield, or Bill Cohen or send an email to