Additional Information

Board Meetings
Second Monday of each month (contact for meeting location). Dinner/social begins at 6:00 p.m., meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Newsletter Articles

Funrunner is published bi-monthly and distributed electronically to all members. Send your newsletter articles directly to The Funrunner editor, Peggy Stanfield, by the 15th of each month for the following month's issue. Please type the articles and email to Peggy 
Website Articles
Send your website articles directly to webmaster Kathy Bell
Equipment Rental
To reserve equipment email  Payment is required at the time of pick up.
Rates are as follows:
$75.00 - each timer (times electronically printed on a tape).
$175.00 - digital clock, includes stand (stationed at finish line for runners to see).

Furrunner/Newsletter Advertising
The Nashville Striders, Inc., a non-profit club, reserves the right to reject flyers and/or advertisements that are determined to be inconsistent with the public image of the Nashville Striders, Inc. or that are that conflict with events managed by the Nashville Striders, Inc. Deadline for submission to the Striders office is the second Monday of the month prior to the month in which the ad is to appear. Payment in advance is required.
Mailing List
Sold only to race directors, on thumb drive or emailed for one-time use only. The list contains approximately 1000 members and non-members - $200.00.

Safety Resources
Healthy and Safe Running
USA Track & Field - State of Tennessee Representative
Caroline Tucker - (615) 255-5802. Or contact National USATF (317) 261-0500.
Contributing Sponsors
Fleet Feet-Nashville (615) 373-1123
Team Nashville (615) 321-5257